Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

who inspiring me ??

My inspiring  :
1. Allah SWT
2. my parents and my brother
my love papa and mama

 Me and my sister dimitron hariatutiii

3 .Warren Edward Buffett 

was born on August 30, 1930 to his father Howard, a stockbroker-turned-Congressman. The only boy, he was the second of three children, and displayed an amazing aptitude for both money and business at a very early age. Acquaintances recount his uncanny ability to calculate columns of numbers off the top of his head - a feat Warren still amazes business colleagues with today.
At only six years old, Buffett purchased 6-packs of Coca Cola from his grandfather's grocery store for twenty five cents and resold each of the bottles for a nickel, pocketing a five cent profit. While other children his age were playing hopscotch and jacks, Warren was making money. Five years later, Buffett took his step into the world of high finance. At eleven years old, he purchased three shares of Cities Service Preferred at $38 per share for both himself and his older sister, Doris. Shortly after buying the stock, it fell to just over $27 per share. A frightened but resilient Warren held his shares until they rebounded to $40. He promptly sold them - a mistake he would soon come to regret. Cities Service shot up to $200. The experience taught him one of the basic lessons of investing: patience is a virtue.

Warren Buffett's Education

In 1947, a seventeen year old Warren Buffett graduated from High School. It was never his intention to go to college; he had already made $5,000 delivering newspapers (this is equal to $42,610.81 in 2000). His father had other plans, and urged his son to attend the Wharton Business School at the University of Pennsylvania. Buffett stayed two years, complaining that he knew more than his professors. When Howard was defeated in the 1948 Congressional race, Warren returned home to Omaha and transferred to the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Working full-time, he managed to graduate in only three years. Warren Buffett approached graduate studies with the same resistance he displayed a few years earlier. He was finally persuaded to apply to Harvard Business School, which, in the worst admission decision in history, rejected him as "too young". Slighted, Warren applied to Columbia where famed investors Ben Graham and David Dodd taught - an experience that would forever change his life.

Ben Graham - Buffett's Mentor

Ben Graham had become well known during the 1920's. At a time when the rest of the world was approaching the investment arena as a giant game of roulette, he searched for stocks that were so inexpensive they were almost completely devoid of risk. One of his best known calls was the Northern Pipe Line, an oil transportation company managed by the Rockefellers. The stock was trading at $65 a share, but after studying the balance sheet, Graham realized that the company had bond holdings worth $95 for every share. The value investor tried to convince management to sell the portfolio, but they refused. Shortly thereafter, he waged a proxy war and secured a spot on the Board of Directors. The company sold its bonds and paid a dividend in the amount of $70 per share. When he was 40 years old, Ben Graham published Security Analysis, one of the greatest works ever penned on the stock market. At the time, it was risky; investing in equities had become a joke (the Dow Jones had fallen from 381.17 to 41.22 over the course of three to four short years following the crash of 1929). It was around this time that Graham came up with the principle of "intrinsic" business value - a measure of a business's true worth that was completely and totally independent of the stock price. Using intrinsic value, investors could decide what a company was worth and make investment decisions accordingly. His subsequent book, The Intelligent Investor, which Warren celebrates as "the greatest book on investing ever written", introduced the world to Mr. Market - the best investment analogy in history.
Through his simple yet profound investment principles, Ben Graham became an idyllic figure to the twenty-one year old Warren Buffett. Reading an old edition of Who's Who, Warren discovered his mentor was the Chairman of a small, unknown insurance company named GEICO. He hopped a train to Washington D.C. one Saturday morning to find the headquarters. When he got there, the doors were locked. Not to be stopped, Buffett relentlessly pounded on the door until a janitor came to open it for him. He asked if there was anyone in the building. As luck (or fate) would have it, there was. It turns out that there was a man still working on the sixth floor. Warren was escorted up to meet him and immediately began asking him questions about the company and its business practices; a conversation that stretched on for four hours. The man was none other than Lorimer Davidson, the Financial Vice President. The experience would be something that stayed with Buffett for the rest of his life. He eventually acquired the entire GEICO company through his corporation, Berkshire Hathaway.

4. dianarikasari / fashion blogger


bill gates
William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
On June 27, 2008, Gates transitioned out of a day-to-day role in the company to spend more time on his global health and education work at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He shares his thoughts about the foundation and other topics on Gates Notes, a Web site launched in January 2010. Gates continues to serve as Microsoft's chairman and as an advisor on key development projects. In June 2006, Ray Ozzie assumed Gates' previous title as chief software architect and oversees technical architecture and product oversight responsibilities at Microsoft. Craig Mundie assumed the new title of chief research and strategy officer at Microsoft and is responsible for the company's research and incubation efforts.
Born on Oct. 28, 1955, Gates grew up in Seattle with his two sisters. Their father, William H. Gates II, is a Seattle attorney. Their late mother, Mary Gates, was a schoolteacher, University of Washington regent, and chairwoman of United Way International.
Gates attended public elementary school and the private Lakeside School. There, he discovered his interest in software and began programming computers at age 13.
In 1973, Gates entered Harvard University as a freshman, where he lived down the hall from Steve Ballmer, now Microsoft's chief executive officer. While at Harvard, Gates developed a version of the programming language BASIC for the first microcomputer - the MITS Altair.
In his junior year, Gates left Harvard to devote his energies to Microsoft, a company he had begun in 1975 with his childhood friend Paul Allen. Guided by a belief that the computer would be a valuable tool on every office desktop and in every home, they began developing software for personal computers. Gates' foresight and his vision for personal computing have been central to the success of Microsoft and the software industry.
Under Gates' leadership, Microsoft's mission has been to continually advance and improve software technology, and to make it easier, more cost-effective and more enjoyable for people to use computers. The company is committed to a long-term view, reflected in its industry-leading investment in research and development each year.
In 1999, Gates wrote "Business @ the Speed of Thought", a book that shows how computer technology can solve business problems in fundamentally new ways. The book was published in 25 languages and is available in more than 60 countries. "Business @ the Speed of Thought" has received wide critical acclaim, and was listed on the best-seller lists of the "New York Times", "USA Today", "The Wall Street Journal" and on Amazon.com. Gates' previous book, "The Road Ahead", published in 1995, was at the top of the "New York Times" bestseller list for seven weeks.
Gates has donated the proceeds of both books to non-profit organizations that support the use of technology in education and skills development.
In addition to his love of computers and software, Gates founded Corbis, which is developing one of the world's largest resources of visual information - a comprehensive digital archive of art and photography from public and private collections around the globe. He is also a member of the board of directors of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., which invests in companies engaged in diverse business activities.
Philanthropy is very important to Gates. He and his wife, Melinda, started a foundation in 2000 to help reduce inequities in the United States and around the world. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation supports philanthropic initiatives in the areas of global health and learning, with the hope that in the 21st century, advances in these critical areas will be available for all people. To learn more about the foundation, visit www.gatesfoundation.org.
Gates was married on Jan. 1, 1994, to Melinda French Gates. They have three children. Gates is an avid reader, and enjoys playing golf, tennis and bridge.

10 karakter 10 sifat yg di sukai  :)

Ketulusan menempati peringkat pertama sebagai sifat yang paling disukai oleh semua orang. Ketulusan membuat orang lain merasa aman dan dihargai karena yakin tidak akan dibodohi atau dibohongi. Orang yang tulus selalu mengatakan kebenaran, tidak suka mengada-ada, pura-pura, mencari-cari alasan atau memutarbalikkan fakta. Prinsipnya “Ya diatas Ya dan Tidak diatas Tidak”. Tentu akan lebih ideal bila ketulusan yang selembut merpati itu diimbangi dengan kecerdikan seekor ular. Dengan begitu, ketulusan tidak menjadi keluguan yang bisa merugikan diri sendiri.

Berbeda dengan rendah diri yang merupakan kelemahan, kerendahan hati justru mengungkapkan kekuatan. Hanya orang yang kuat jiwanya yang bisa bersikap rendah hati. Ia seperti padi yang semakin berisi semakin menunduk. Orang yang rendah hati bisa mengakui dan menghargai keunggulan orang lain. Ia bisa membuat orang yang diatasnya merasa oke dan membuat orang yang di bawahnya tidak merasa minder.


Kesetiaan sudah menjadi barang langka & sangat tinggi harganya. Orang yang setia selalu bisa dipercaya dan diandalkan. Dia selalu menepati janji, punya komitmen yang kuat, rela berkorban dan tidak suka berkhianat.

Orang yang bersikap positif (positive thinking) selalu berusaha melihat segala sesuatu dari kacamata positif, bahkan dalam situasi yang buruk sekalipun. Dia lebih suka membicarakan kebaikan daripada keburukan orang lain, lebih suka bicara mengenai harapan daripada keputusasaan, lebih suka mencari solusi daripada frustasi, lebih suka memuji daripada mengecam, dan sebagainya.

Karena tidak semua orang dikaruniai temperamen ceria, maka keceriaan tidak harus diartikan ekspresi wajah dan tubuh tapi sikap hati. Orang yang ceria adalah orang yang bisa menikmati hidup, tidak suka mengeluh dan selalu berusaha meraih kegembiraan. Dia bisa mentertawakan situasi, orang lain, juga dirinya sendiri. Dia punya potensi untuk menghibur dan mendorong semangat orang lain.


Orang yang bertanggung jawab akan melaksanakan kewajibannya dengan sungguh-sungguh. Kalau melakukan kesalahan, dia berani mengakuinya. Ketika mengalami kegagalan, dia tidak akan mencari kambing hitam untuk disalahkan. Bahkan kalau dia merasa kecewa dan sakit hati, dia tidak akan menyalahkan siapapun. Dia menyadari bahwa dirinya sendirilah yang bertanggung jawab atas apapun yang dialami dan dirasakannya.

Rasa percaya diri memungkinkan seseorang menerima dirinya sebagaimana adanya, menghargai dirinya dan menghargai orang lain. Orang yang percaya diri mudah menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan dan situasi yang baru. Dia tahu apa yang harus dilakukannya dan melakukannya dengan baik.

Kebesaran jiwa dapat dilihat dari kemampuan seseorang memaafkan orang lain. Orang yang berjiwa besar tidak membiarkan dirinya dikuasai oleh rasa benci dan permusuhan. Ketika menghadapi masa-masa sukar dia tetap tegar, tidak membiarkan dirinya hanyut dalam kesedihan dan keputusasaan.

Orang yang easy going menganggap hidup ini ringan. Dia tidak suka membesar-besarkan masalah kecil. Bahkan berusaha mengecilkan masalah-masalah besar. Dia tidak suka mengungkit masa lalu dan tidak mau khawatir dengan masa depan. Dia tidak mau pusing dan stress dengan masalah-masalah yang berada di luar kontrolnya.


Empati adalah sifat yang sangat mengagumkan. Orang yang berempati bukan saja pendengar yang baik tapi juga bisa menempatkan diri pada posisi orang lain. Ketika terjadi konflik dia selalu mencari jalan keluar terbaik bagi kedua belah pihak, tidak suka memaksakan pendapat dan kehendaknya sendiri. Dia selalu berusaha memahami dan mengerti orang lain.

love you all :)

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